Terra Cypria is among the Direct partners participating in the project called “MedIs Wet 2” which is co-funded by MAVA foundation. “MedIs Wet 2” is focused on restoration and conservation actions for wetlands of highly importance in Croatia, Cyprus, Turkey, Italy (Sardinia & Sicily), France (Corsica), Malta, Spain and Tunisia.

Terra Cypria took over the restoration and conservation of Lady’s Mile area which lies within Akrotiri Wetland System, the most important wetland on the island of Cyprus.

Lady’s Mile area is highly affected by human activities, like uncontrolled driving and waste dumping. Thus, restoration and conservation actions there, as well as the sensitization of people for the importance of the area and the whole Akrotiri Wetland System, emerge as an imperative need.

Actions that will take place at the area include:

  1. Mapping and identification of the places that access needs to be blocked
  2. The use rock boulders to block the access to the most environmentally sensitive areas
  3. Mapping of the waste dumping all over the area and proceed with cleaning at the most polluted areas
  4. Installation of additional waste-bins
  5. Restoration of Lake Makria (which is at the north part of Ladys Mile area) through an intensified reed cleaning, since reeds seem to be constantly expanding and cause problems to the species using the area
  6. Installation of interpretation signs at the area
  7. Upgrade of an existing bird watching hide to attract more visitors and give more information for the importance of the area
  8. Installation of surveillance cameras that will be run by the SBA authorities to identify and prosecute accordingly, people damaging or moving the rock boulders to enter the sensitive areas, illegally dumping waste in the area or proceeding conducting any other illegal activities