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The Leading Centre for
Environmental Education in Cyprus

The Cyprus Environmental Studies Centre-

The Cyprus Environmental Studies Centre-

The Cyprus Environmental Studies Centre-

The Cyprus Environmental Studies Centre-

The Cyprus Environmental Studies Centre-

The Cyprus Environmental Studies Centre (CESC) was founded in 1995 to supply practical environmental education. It is the Educational and Research branch of Terra Cypriaa non-governmental organisation (NGO), officially established in 1992 as a charitable, non-profit organisation.

CESC welcomes about 3,500 students per year from the schools and universities of Cyprus, Western Europe and the Middle East.

The great diversity of plant and animal life in the region where CESC is situated makes it an ideal place in which to study the natural environment. This means we can offer a wide choice of educational programmes.

All programmes, based on long-term experience and multi-disciplinary scientific approach, are designed to meet the specific needs of each group of students visiting us.

Our ethos is that there is no better classroom for learning about nature and the landscape than the countryside itself.

The local landscape includes dramatic gorges, pine forest, oak woodland, permanent streams and wetlands, including the sea.

The use of our well-equipped laboratory and teaching rooms gives students an additional opportunity to learn the workings of new equipment, laboratory processes and data analysis.

Any length of programme can be arranged from a day visit to residential courses of up to two weeks, which include food and accommodation in the traditional Cypriot village where the Centre is located.


Discover Education


Discover Education


Discover Education


Discover Education

“There is no better classroom for learning about nature and the landscape than the countryside itself”

Getting there

The Cyprus Environmental Studies Centre is located in the picturesque village of Kritou Tera just on the borders of Akamas and Akamas National Forest Park.

To reach the Centre, head for Paphos, then follow signs for Poli Chrysochous. About half way to Poli Chrysochou, look for signs to the village of Kathikas. Head towards Kathika you’re nearly there. Once out of Kathikas head north towards Drouseia village, through the main Peyia-Polis road. When you reach the turning for Drouseia village, take the opposite turning which takes you straight to Kritou Tera.

If all else fails, stop and ask anyone from the area and they will be more than happy to point you in the right direction.