July 5, 2013

Birds for the future

March 9, 2012

BIOforLIFE project

February 7, 2012

Collaborative Solutions

February 7, 2011

The historic centre of Limassol and its communities

February 7, 2011

ADAQUA project

February 7, 2009

Oaks for the future

July 7, 2007

Capacity Building for Environmental NGOs

February 7, 2006

Daily Life and Culture of the Turkish Cypriot Community of the Old Town of Limassol

February 7, 2002

Bi-communal study of the cultural significance of a part of Limassol’s Old Town

July 7, 2000

Training of trainers

February 7, 2000

Preliminary study for the sustainable management of the Bishop’s Farm

August 7, 1999

Bi-communal Environmental Education Programme

February 7, 1999

Habitat survey

February 7, 1998

Sustainable fishing

February 7, 1994

Green Awareness