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The recent adoption of the nature restoration law by the European Council consists of a  historic victory for nature i! A landmark  law, the first of its kind in the continent, finally answers citizens’ long-held requests.

The aim of the said law is to restore at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030 and all degraded ecosystems by 2050. The law sets binding targets and obligations for Member States to restore their natural habitats – 80% of which are currently in poor condition. 

It focuses, specifically, on those with the greatest potential for carbon capture and storage. This includes restoring wetlands, rivers, forests, grasslands, urban and marine ecosystems, as well as the species they support. 

Under the new law, EU Member States will give priority to restoring Natura 2000 protected areas, which cover Europe’s most valuable and threatened species and habitats. 

Protecting and preserving the environment is our duty to future generations and this new law rekindles hope for the restoration of nature in Europe