BirdLife Cyprus, Terra Cypria, the Environment Department of the British Bases, the Akrotiri Environmental Education Center and the Unit of Education for the Environment and the Sustainable Development are delighted to invite the public to the 2nd Akrotiri Spring Festival, a unique event dedicated to the environmental and cultural importance of Akrotiri Peninsula.
Following last year’s success, the Akrotiri Spring Festival is organized for the second consecutive year, allowing visitors to learn more about the rich natural and cultural heritage of the Akrotiri Peninsula and to experience the beauty of the area.
The festival will take place on Sunday, 12 May, 2024 at the Akrotiri Environmental Education Centre. During the day, such as bird ringing and bird watching, fun educational games and crafts for the whole family, guided hiking, basketry and cyanotype workshops, etc. All activities are open to the public and free of charge. For more information as well as the festival’s full programme please visit Due to limited spaces, some of the activities require pre-registration.
The festival is organised within the framework of Darwin Plus Project: DPLUS141: Habitat Restoration & Wise Use for Akrotiri & Cape Pyla. The 3-year Project (2021-2024) is funded by Darwin Plus in UK and aims to restore important wildlife habitats within the Cyprus SBAs, focusing on Akrotiri wetlands and native scrub on Cape Pyla, promote wise use of the area and at the same time develop eco-tourism opportunities to support local economy. The project partners are BirdLife Cyprus (leading role), Terra Cypria, the Cyprus Sovereign Base Areas Administration – Environment Department (SBAA ED) and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
This year’s Akrotiri Spring Festival marks the beginning of the Kourion Environmental Festival, and is supported by the Akrotiri Community and the Ypsonas Municipality.